
iconwhiteback logo  The RESTART® Program (Netherlands)                       €200

A 5-week group program to reset your body with nutritional education, a gentle and natural 3-week sugar detox, and the tools and support you need to make mindful, healthy food choices for you and your family.  For more details The RESTART® Program.

iconwhiteback logo The Next Step Program                                                        €375

A private 3-session program for RESTART® alumni to learn how to implement all the information and tools learned in The RESTART® Program.  Each session is 2 hours and will take place at participant’s home. For more details The Next Step Program.

iconwhiteback logo Grocery Store Tour                              €50 (private); €35 (2 or more)                                                                       

A 90-minute grocery store tour with shopping tips to help you make mindful, healthy food choices.  Topics include reading food labels, hidden names for sugar and MSG, fresh/frozen/canned, organics/GMOs/conventional, best/better/avoid advice for produce, dairy, eggs, meat/fish, nuts, oils/fats, teas/coffees.  Reference guide included.


iconwhiteback logo  Fresh & Simple Family Wellness                Available upon request        

A 90-minute, in-home workshop for the whole family that includes an introduction to nutrition and balanced health; body basics about what happens in the body when you eat different things; learning to read food labels; and stepping stones to healthy food choices.

This workshop also includes a pantry re-fresh; tips, tools, resources, and recipes; and email support for one month.

iconwhiteback logo  Simply Healthy Workshop for Kids                              Coming soon!

A 2-hour workshop for kids 8-12 years highlighting simple things kids can do to make healthy changes for better balance in their lives. Includes information on nutrition, stress management, and a fun kids’ yoga session.  For more information Simply Healthy Workshop for Kids.

Questions on any of these services? Send them here and I will get back to you with more information.